Online Guest Services Volunteer Application Form HMA Guest Services Volunteer Application Name of Applicant * (Last, First, Middle Initial) Street Address * City and State * Zipcode * Email Address * Phone Number * Best time to call? Morning Midday Afternoon Evening Job status? * Employed Full-time Employed Part-time Unemployed Occupation / Job Title Current Employer (if employed) If under 18, please provide your birthday. (Month, Day, Year) If under 18, what is the name of your high school? Emergency Contact * (First name, last name) What is your emergency contact's phone number? * Recommendation Forms are required for new volunteers. Please type in at least two professional references for this section. Recommendation Forms can be found on our website at under Guest Services Volunteer Program. The recommendation form is sent directly to a Guest Services representative. * By completing this form, I confirm that all of the above information is correct. I realize that acceptance as a volunteer is based on the combination of my interests and skills and the needs of the Huntsville Museum of Art. I realize that specific opportunities may not be available at any given time, but that my application will be held on file for a period of one year. * Please type your name and today's date. Submit Communications Department2018-12-27T17:02:47+00:00