Museum presents American Romantic: The Art of Luigi Lucioni

Huntsville, Ala – The Huntsville Museum of Art, with major support from corporate sponsors Davidson Technologies and PNC, is pleased to present An American Romantic: The Art of Luigi Lucioni, opening July 10 and on view through September 25. An American Romantic will present approximately 50 oil paintings and etchings by Italian-born painter Luigi Lucioni (1900-1988), [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments

Encounters: Dustin Farnsworth

Huntsville, Ala – The Huntsville Museum of Art’s (HMA) award-winning Encounters series of regional contemporary art continues with the intriguing three-dimensional art of an emerging North Carolina artist. Dustin Farnsworth’s hand-carved sculptures encapsulate his interests in character, story, craft, mechanics, composition, empathy, and social commentary. The exhibition opens June 26 and is on view through October [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments

Southern photographs from the Museum’s permanent collection on display

Huntsville, Ala – The Huntsville Museum of Art (HMA) is pleased to present Frozen in Place: Southern Photographs from the Collection, on view NOW through August 21, 2016. Frozen in Place presents more than 50 photos from the Museum’s permanent collection which tell compelling stories about this region’s unique people, places, and traditions. Exhibition highlights include [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments

Museum to present Master Artist Workshop with Robert Carsten

Huntsville, Ala – The Huntsville Museum of Art will offer a Master Artist Workshop with Robert K. Carsten titled Capturing Light, Color and Atmosphere in Pastel August 18-21, 2016. The class, designed for all skill levels, will be held in one of the Museum Academy classrooms overlooking Big Spring Park. The southern, summer landscape is frequently [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments

Exhibits on view now at HMA

Huntsville, Ala – Did you know the Huntsville Museum of Art presents multiple exhibitions every day? Visitors can, on most days of the year, take in a wide variety of artistic mediums, genres, and works by many different artists—local, regional, and national. Currently, HMA is exhibiting five temporary shows which include folk art and fashions from [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments

Museum to present Huntsville Photographic Society 2016 Members’ Showcase

Huntsville, Ala – Don’t miss this snapshot of Huntsville’s most talented photographers at the Huntsville Museum of Art (HMA). The Huntsville Photographic Society (HPS) Members’ Showcase is an annual, juried exhibition of photographs taken by the HPS members. This year’s exhibition, to open May 15, includes 50 photographs, both color and black and white, which range [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments

Youth Art Month 2016

Huntsville, Ala – The Huntsville Museum of Art (HMA) will proudly present its 29th celebration of YAM 2016: Exhibition for Youth Art Month on Sunday, March 13, through May 1. Mayor Tommy Battle, Congressman Mo Brooks, Diana Green and Becky Quinn of the Alabama State Council on the Arts (ASCA), and Marissa Garcia with Savannah [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments

William Christenberry: Time, Distance and Memory

Huntsville, Ala – The Huntsville Museum of Art (HMA) is sharing photographic treasures from its permanent collection in a new exhibition William Christenberry: Time, Distance, and Memory opening Sunday, March 13, and running through July 10. The Huntsville Museum of Art is fortunate to own a significant collection, donated anonymously in the 1980s, of more than [...]

By |2017-09-16T04:25:58+00:00May 31st, 2017|2016 News|0 Comments
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