Alan Little, a native Huntsvillian, is a seasoned multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter who has been a dynamic presence in the Huntsville music scene since he first stepped onto the stage at sixteen. Known for his
distinctive fingerpicking style, Alan’s approach to music is deeply enriched by his extensive study of West
African drumming, which infuses his compositions with rhythmic complexity and vibrant textures. A familiar
face at local venues, Alan continues to captivate audiences with his heartfelt performances and innovative
sound. A committed advocate for local talent, Alan was also the founder of Listen Local, a quarterly singer-
songwriter showcase that highlighted local talent in a listening room environment, fostering a community
centered around music appreciation and artist support. Throughout his diverse professional career—spanning
roles as a Music Therapist, Realtor, Mortgage Loan Officer, and Technical Recruiter—the common thread has
always been his skill in making connections and connecting people, showcasing his deep commitment to
community and collaboration.

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