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Closing Day

Sweetness and Light: Children in Illustration

Sunday, February 27 | 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Enjoy a last chance to view Children in Illustrations from the National Museum of American Illustration.

Children’s portrayal in illustration is often a reflection of how both creators and consumers viewed the ideal childhood of the time. During the Golden Age of American Illustration (1900-1950), children were often portrayed as symbols of innocence or as objects to protect, with their depictions varying between encouraging a sense of adventure and as guidelines as to how an ‘ideal child’ should appear and act.

This exclusive exhibition features approximately 35 original works by some of the country’s most accomplished illustrators, created for product advertising, posters and calendars, children’s books, and magazine covers including Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, Scribner’s, and the Saturday Evening Post. Organized by the National Museum of American Illustration, Newport, RI.

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