Alan Shuptrine, Mist and Lace, watercolor, 16 x 20 in.
Foothills to Fine Art
Thursday, May 10, 2018
6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
The Huntsville Museum of Art Guild was established in 1964 to enrich, to stimulate, and to advance awareness, appreciation and knowledge of the visual arts. The Guild has been a major supporter of the Huntsville Museum of Art for over 50 years and has provided over two and a half million dollars in direct funding from Guild sponsored events such as the Annual Wine Weekend, Leaves of Glass, Folk Fusion and last year’s Southern Blues. This year, on May 10th, 2018 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. the Guild will host Foothills to Fine Art, at The Huntsville Museum of Art, to launch a very unique exhibit by artist Alan Shuptrine.
Alan Shuptrine: The Serpentine Chain exhibit will feature watercolor paintings by Tennessee artist Alan Shuptrine that pays tribute to the land and people found along the Appalachian Trail, and to the distinctive culture that endures from the mountains of Maine to Georgia. These amazing paintings celebrate the connections of Appalachia with its historical and cultural counterpart in the British Isles, highlighting Celtic traditions that were brought to America in the 18th century and are still practiced in that region today.
Foothills to Fine Art will be an evening to experience the Appalachian Trail through regional art and food. In addition to a whiskey and a moonshine tasting, there will be wine and local craft beers. Lively music will set the tone for the evening as you experience the rich beauty of the Appalachian Trail.
Foothills to Fine Art will be the Guild’s only planned fundraising event for 2018. We ask for your financial support in our efforts to raise $100,000 for the Huntsville Museum of Art. Through your generous support, the Guild can continue their mission to educate, enlighten, and inspire our community and our children, through the beauty and rich experience of art. Sponsor levels and benefits are described below.
Your generous and ongoing gifts and participation in events sponsored by the Guild foster the growth and future of the Huntsville Museum of Art—one of our community’s most valuable assets. We look forward to celebrating our Appalachian roots with you on May, 10th, 2018 at Foothills to Fine Art, at the Huntsville Museum of Art.
Foothills to Fine Art Sponsorship Levels
$5,000 Platinum
$2,500 Gold
$1,200 Silver
$500 Bronze
For information regarding sponsorship for this exhibit, contact one of the following Guild Members:
Rhonda Ridner, pizitz@me.com, 256-651-3399
Julie Lockwood, juliejustsells@gmail.com, 256-797-4028
Cindy Kamelchuk, 256-457-2260, ckamelchuk@gmail.com