Painting with Light, Color & Joy
Skill Level: All
Friday, November 4 & Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Members: $325 | Non-Members: $350

Sara Beth Fair, Summer Still Life in the Afternoon, 2017, oil on canvas
Fill your oil paintings with light and color learning how to SEE, MIX, and EXPRESS COLOR seamlessly. Open to all levels of artist who want to master the fundamentals of painting. Instructional work is designed for each experience level.
Join Sara Beth and learn the secrets of color and light by creating color charts to take home and use in your studio, creating multiple reference studies to apply the secrets and finally completing a beautiful still life painting. Demos, a slide presentation, and critiques included.
Artist and educator painting for 17 years. In addition, she has a Ph.D. in optics and hence a technical as well as artistic understanding of light and color. She has taught multiple classes around the country and exhibited in galleries throughout the southeast. Her artistic training has come from independent studies of the masters, plein air painting of nature, along with tutelage from contemporary masters. She spent three years studying with Murat Kaboulov, a Russian Impressionist, along with several students of the great Russian artist Serge Bongart. Her style reflects her love for the Russian Impressionists use of color and large brushwork. For more information, visit