Norman Rockwell: Behind the Camera

Norman Rockwell: Behind the Camera Huth, Boeing, Salmon and Haws Galleries November 5, 2017 - January 28, 2018 Above Image: Bill Scovill, Photographer, Reference Photograph of Norman Rockwell, Norman Rockwell says 'Pan American Was My Magic Carpet Around the World,' advertisement for Pan American Airways, Inkjet print, Norman Rockwell Collection, ©1956 Norman Rockwell Family [...]

By |2024-12-04T19:54:17+00:00August 13th, 2017|2017 Exhibitios, Past Exhibition|0 Comments

The Way We Were: American Paintings from the Lowe Collection

The Way We Were: American Paintings from the Lowe Collection Chan Gallery October 30, 2016 - February 25, 2017 Join us for the public debut of a selection of striking works from this prominent local collection, focused early 20th century oil paintings and watercolors in the American realist tradition. Director of Curatorial [...]

Georges Rouault: Cirque de L’Etoile Filante (Circus of the Shooting Star)

Georges Rouault: Cirque de L’Etoile Filante (Circus of the Shooting Star) Huth Gallery November 8, 2014 – January 11, 2015 The 20th century French artist Georges Rouault is best known for his very colorful works that mimic the technique of stained glass. In addition to his paintings, he produced several important portfolios [...]

American Beauty: Highlights from the Wiginton Collection

October 19, 2013 – January 19, 2014 Selected late 19th and early 20th century landscapes, portraits, and genre scenes from this prominent Alabama collection, celebrating the unique beauty of our nation’s people and places. The exhibition included accomplished works by Theodore Earl Butler, William Merritt Chase, Edward Henry Potthast, Maurice Prendergast, Theodore [...]

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