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Artsy Tots will introduce toddlers between the ages of 2 and 3 to art and to the museum through artful short stories, gallery play activities, and an art activity. The program helps with color recognition, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and more!

Artsy Tots classes are held on one Friday a month from 11:00-11:45 a.m. Class size is limited to 12 children and registration is required. Each class will have a unique theme. One adult chaperone is required for every two children. Dress for a mess! Questions? Please contact Candace Bean, Education Associate at cbean@hsvmuseum.org.

Class fee is $5 members/$7 non-members (up to 2 adults/2 children). Fees are non-refundable. However, registration is transferable to another session.

The program will be held in the Stender Family Interactive Education Galleries.



Thank you to Sue and Robert Kuehlthau for your generous donation to the Education Department!

August 9 Theme: Hungry Caterpillar

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