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Capturing Details & Realism with Watercolor: Portrait

September 23, 30, October 7, 14 (4 Saturdays) | 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Members: $150 | Non-Members: $205 | Materials fee: $35

Skill Level: All

Jennifer Redstreake


This class follows the watercolor sketching class that focused on beginning a portrait painting in watercolor. In this continuation, we will be painting an 18” x 24” portrait in totality. If you did not take the previous class and want to jump in, we will be brushing through a quick introduction to portraits. The class will include demonstrations, instruction, criticism, and supervised guidance of student painting time. Painting surface included. If you have taken a prior watercolor painting class with Jennifer, please bring your supplies. If you have not taken a prior watercolor painting class with Jennifer, you will need to select registration with material fee. Space is limited to 10 students.

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